i'm freezing and really exhausted for last busy week...
到了apm的Kubrick, 見到不同的香港 手作創作, 好興奮! 亦終於認識了部份 la belle epoque 的手作(始終未有造訪其大坑小店), 感謝 la belle epoque 的出現才能在香港凝聚了一群喜歡手作的朋友!
thanks la belle epoque gather many hk handcraft artists in their shop.

vicplayground embroidery is sososo lovely!

Aileen Zakka, Aileen 的手飾非常典雅
the accessories, made by Aileen, are so elegant

還有很多精彩的手作創作人,可到 la belle epoque 慢慢欣賞; 見到人家漂亮的作品, 深感自己的不足, 亦鼓勵自己要更努力, 希望有天可跟他們一樣參加不同的市集! 像台灣的大陸的, 讓手作在香港繼續發光發熱!!
題外話, 發覺喜歡手作的朋友大都愛陳綺貞盧廣仲呢...:)
find more in la belle epoque , hope to join them later.
thank you for visiting our blog,
would be lovely if u can drop by to out tiny shop, see u soon~
hihi bonne ~ thx for your compliments.... i love your white house..
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